Management Consultancy Services (MCS)

Management Consultancy Services provides customized consulting solutions across a wide range of industry sectors in the areas of business process, risk, controls and governance. We partner with our clients and adopt a collaborative approach to enable business to meet requirements in the areas of governance and operational excellence and achieve their real potential.

Our approach to working with clients is set in the context of incisive and proven industry experience, that we have carefully nurtured over the last more than 100 years. This guarantees an unparalleled level of excellence that goes far beyond mere service delivery and results in qualitative services at competitive pricing and immense client satisfaction. Integrity and professional competence are the cornerstones of our firm.

Governance & Risk Management Service

Internal audits

Setting up of Internal Audit function

Undertaking internal audits

Developing risk-based assurance plans

Identifying and monitoring Key Risk Indicators (KRI) and Red flags (continuous monitoring)

Enterprise Risk Management

We help businesses in analyzing the effectiveness of its risk management and internal compliance and control system including the effectiveness of implementation

Provide a deeper understanding of the enterprise risks to executive management and link them to the organizations objectives, initiatives, and business processes

Business Process Redesign

We help businesses design their key business processes considering “best practices” and “benchmarks”, help operations become more efficient, speed up work flows and improve Management Information Systems.

Prepare Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Accounts Manual , Systems Manual

Chart of Accounts development and standardization